Below are the 2016 Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) selection rank cut-offs for each course, along with the guaranteed entry rank. In addition you can view a profile of all offered students ATAR selection ranks across the three main quartiles. (See notes at base of table for detailed scope and definitions)
Course name | 2016 ATAR cut-off | 2016 guaranteed ATAR | Median | Higher quartile | Lower quartile |
Bachelor of Arts | 60.55 | 70 | 74.45 | 84.25 | 65.55 |
Bachelor of Arts - Enhanced Program for High Achievers | 90.2 | 90 | 96.6 | 98.98 | 94.2 |
Bachelor of Arts (Psychological Science Pathway) | 63.45 | NA | 67.4 | 67.7 | 65.35 |
Bachelor of Archaeology | 60.05 | 70 | 75.75 | 83.95 | 68.88 |
Bachelor of Arts (Education (Secondary) Pathway) | 60.15 | NA | 67.8 | 70.6 | 65.68 |
Bachelor of Arts (Education (Primary R-7) Pathway) | 60.05 | NA | 62.35 | 65.12 | 61.1 |
Bachelor of Arts (Master of Teaching (Primary R-7) Pathway) | 60.25 | NA | 71.7 | 83.35 | 64.95 |
Bachelor of Arts (Master of Teaching (Secondary) Pathway) | 69.15 | NA | 84.9 | 89.75 | 74.13 |
Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing | 70.2 | 75 | 81.83 | 86.95 | 78.75 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) | ** | NA | 73.3 | 88.9 | 68.74 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) | ** | NA | 84.95 | 90.15 | 81.25 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) | ** | NA | 76.3 | 87.05 | 69.75 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) | ** | NA | 81 | 96.2 | 69.48 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion) | 61.55 | NA | 75.85 | 89.475 | 66.9 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen) | ** | NA | 84.68 | 92.18 | 73.64 |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) | 63.8 | NA | 78.05 | 89.2 | 70.75 |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Special Education), Bachelor of Disability Studies | 75.55 | 80 | 83.4 | 89.6 | 78.15 |
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Arts | 70.1 | 80 | 77.88 | 86.71 | 72.65 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts # | 70.15 | 80 | 82.85 | 89.45 | 77.69 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Health Sciences # | 72.35 | 90 | 79.13 | 84.53 | 76.43 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science # | 71.75 | 80 | 86.05 | 94.6 | 81.04 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Special Education # | 81.9 | 80 | 85.65 | 87.09 | 84.34 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7 and Special Education), Bachelor of Disability Studies | 76.35 | 80 | 85.25 | 89.85 | 82.75 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7), Bachelor of Arts | 70.35 | 85 | 84.9 | 91.53 | 76.53 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7), Bachelor of General Science | 71.6 | 80 | 77.63 | 85.79 | 74.13 |
Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Languages # | 79.55 | 80 | 83.13 | 92.52 | 80.23 |
Bachelor of International Tourism | 70.75 | 80 | 81.73 | 91.07 | 74.99 |
Bachelor of Law and Society # | 60.95 | 70 | 64.3 | 66.85 | 62.05 |
Bachelor of Criminology # | 65.7 | 75 | 80.35 | 86.58 | 73.12 |
Bachelor of Law and Society (Law Pathway) # | 80.05 | 85 | 83.05 | 85.57 | 81.9 |
Bachelor of Languages | 72.4 | 80 | 90.13 | 93.8 | 84.03 |
Bachelor of Laws & Legal Practice | 90.6 | 95 | 94.43 | 95.95 | 91.63 |
Bachelor of Laws & Legal Practice (Honours) | 95.55 | NA | 99.58 | 99.8 | 97.89 |
Bachelor of Media Arts | 60.2 | 75 | 78.8 | 85.95 | 75 |
Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity | 65.35 | 80 | 74.8 | 83.35 | 69 |
Bachelor of Theology | NOM | 70 | 70.8 | 70.8 | 70.8 |
Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education | 60.7 | 70 | 72.1 | 85.08 | 65.28 |
Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (Health Sciences Pathway) | 60.95 | NA | 65.1 | 66.03 | 63.03 |
Bachelor of Health Sciences | 70.45 | 90 | 86.65 | 91.78 | 79.5 |
Bachelor of Health Sciences, Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health Practice | 91.15 | 90 | 92 | 97.55 | 91.45 |
Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy | 94.4 | 95 | 96.1 | 97 | 94.9 |
Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy | 97.85 | NA | 99.65 | 99.94 | 98.75 |
Bachelor of Medical Science | 90.2 | 95 | 98.1 | 99.79 | 96.45 |
Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science), Master of Optometry | 99.6 | NA | 99.95 | 99.95 | 99.85 |
Bachelor of Midwifery (Preregistration) | 97.85 | NA | 94.95 | 97.17 | 92.85 |
Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) | 60.05 | 75 | 74.6 | 81.95 | 66.6 |
Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics | 96.8 | NA | 99.1 | 99.87 | 98.25 |
Bachelor of Paramedic Science | 94.8 | NA | 96.4 | 98.65 | 94.7 |
Bachelor of Speech Pathology | 90.25 | 95 | 95.95 | 97.82 | 93.94 |
Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems | 70.5 | 70 | 79.93 | 85.15 | 72.2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Science | 72.25 | 75 | 84.78 | 93.48 | 78.93 |
Bachelor of Computer Science | 70.6 | 70 | 70.85 | 74.6 | 70.63 |
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) | 83.1 | 80 | 91.43 | 95.59 | 87.27 |
Bachelor of Computer Science (Simulation and Serious Games) | 77.95 | 70 | 78.85 | 79.3 | 78.4 |
Bachelor of Computer Science (Simulation and Serious Games) (Honours) | 83 | 80 | 85.83 | 87.24 | 84.42 |
Bachelor of Design and Technology Innovation | 70.25 | 75 | 81.45 | 90.8 | 78.25 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural and Biosystems) (Honours) # | 78.45 | 80 | 88.35 | 89.28 | 85.65 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) | 78.15 | 80 | 92.35 | 95.7 | 84.6 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) | 95.35 | 95 | 99.73 | 99.95 | 98.57 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) | 78.3 | 80 | 88.75 | 90.5 | 83.05 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Systems) (Honours) | 75.5 | 80 | 88.75 | 90.4 | 76.5 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours) | 85.6 | 80 | 93.85 | 96.83 | 89.73 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) (Honours) | 84.25 | 80 | 89.85 | 97.05 | 84.25 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) | 77.05 | 80 | 82.45 | 91.65 | 80.3 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) | 95.95 | 95 | 95.95 | 95.95 | 95.95 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Maritime) (Honours) # | 76.2 | 80 | 85.25 | 92.42 | 78.94 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) | 76 | 80 | 81.5 | 85.45 | 79.18 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours) | 84 | 80 | 93.8 | 96.7 | 84 |
Bachelor of Engineering Science | 60.55 | 70 | 66.7 | 75.55 | 65.5 |
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)# | 65.85 | 70 | 87.63 | 95.75 | 80.47 |
Bachelor of Information Technology | 60.7 | 70 | 68.95 | 74.05 | 63.63 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) | 71.15 | 70 | 78.9 | 80.5 | 75.93 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) | 84 | 80 | 87.08 | 88.62 | 85.54 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) | 72.9 | 70 | 80.9 | 83.04 | 76.95 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours) | 81.1 | 80 | 81.98 | 83.3 | 81.4 |
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences | 70.75 | 70 | 76.7 | 88.33 | 73.73 |
Bachelor of Science | 60.05 | 70 | 67.9 | 83.25 | 63.59 |
Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) | 70.1 | 70 | 80.45 | 87.75 | 74.45 |
Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity & Conservation) | 72.2 | 70 | 86.58 | 93.49 | 81.69 |
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) | 71.15 | 70 | 83.05 | 92.83 | 73.35 |
Bachelor of Science (Clean Technology) | NOM | 70 | 76.5 | 76.5 | 76.5 |
Bachelor of Science (Forensic & Analytical Science) | 71.95 | 70 | 83.18 | 89.03 | 76.72 |
Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science Pathway) | 62.3 | NA | 75 | 89.27 | 64.88 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Animal Behaviour) | 85.65 | 80 | 91.3 | 95.2 | 84.5 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biodiversity & Conservation) | 84 | 80 | 84.85 | 99.2 | 84.15 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology) | 80.5 | 80 | 87.35 | 90.6 | 81.1 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Clean Technology) | 89.6 | 80 | 90.93 | 91.59 | 90.27 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers) | 96.6 | 95 | 99.73 | 99.95 | 99.24 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic & Analytical Science) | 80.25 | 80 | 87.93 | 90.9 | 84.72 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology & Aquaculture) | 93.7 | 80 | 97.55 | 98.1 | 96.52 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology) | 80.3 | 80 | 95.35 | 97.95 | 81.3 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology) | 93.15 | 80 | 99.4 | 99.9 | 98.9 |
Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology & Aquaculture) | 71.15 | 70 | 78.75 | 83 | 76 |
Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) | 72.1 | 70 | 83.85 | 88.75 | 78.75 |
Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) | 70.25 | 70 | 76.63 | 93.12 | 72.89 |
Bachelor of Science (Science Policy and Communication) | 81.3 | 70 | 81.3 | 81.3 | 81.3 |
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) | 70 | 80 | 84.15 | 89.88 | 77.08 |
Bachelor of Business | 60.5 | 70 | 69.6 | 77 | 64.43 |
Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership) | 86.95 | 90 | 92.8 | 94.45 | 88.4 |
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) | 67.45 | 75 | 84.53 | 91.48 | 74.33 |
Bachelor of Business (International Business) | 72.25 | 75 | 74.45 | 76.4 | 72.5 |
Bachelor of Business (Management) | 67.2 | 75 | 75.45 | 85.95 | 69 |
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) | 67.05 | 75 | 76.83 | 83.57 | 68.47 |
Bachelor of Commerce | 71.55 | NA | 71.55 | 71.55 | 71.55 |
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) | 71 | 75 | 81.18 | 86.6 | 74.77 |
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) | 70.45 | 75 | 82.83 | 88.17 | 76 |
Bachelor of Commerce (Advanced Leadership) | 88.9 | 75 | 94.5 | 97.02 | 90.3 |
Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) | 79.05 | 90 | 78.28 | 80.13 | 76.94 |
Bachelor of Commerce (Finance/Economics) | 72.15 | 75 | 72.15 | 72.15 | 72.15 |
Bachelor of Public Administration # | 63.1 | 70 | 77.98 | 83.48 | 70.72 |
Bachelor of International Relations | 60.05 | 70 | 75.1 | 82.6 | 66.65 |
Bachelor of Psychological Science | 70.45 | 80 | 81.25 | 89.33 | 76.45 |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) | 94 | NA | 97.38 | 99.18 | 96.1 |
Bachelor of Social Work | 70.3 | 80 | 81.85 | 90.15 | 73.8 |
NOM: No 2016 offers made
**: other entry requirements apply
NA – Flinders has determined not to offer a guaranteed entry ATAR
# Course name change
Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine not listed as selection is based on additional non-ATAR attributes