ACSEP offer a range of online training resources that are available to doctors with an interest in Sports and Exercise Medicine.
Determination of applicant eligibility for the Training Program is undertaken by the Interview and Selection Committee, in consultation with the Training Committee. Applicants must provide suitable evidence for each of the following eligibility criteria, by the closing date for their Application to the Training Program.
The first step is completing a minimum of three full-time equivalent years of “Foundation Training”. Unlike other Colleges that run specific Foundation Training program, ACSEP allows the graduate to determine their own Foundation Training Pathway within the general medical and surgical fields.
It is highly recommended that intending applicants demonstrate a commitment to a career in Sport and Exercise Medicine. What is done during these years is recorded in a prospective applicant’s CV and influences their success rate in getting into the ACSEP Training Program. Ideally, they should demonstrate their interest in SEM via scholarship, leadership and/or involvement within a range of SEM activities.
Overseas training in the specialty of Sport and Exercise Medicine overseas does not always correspond to the Australian and New Zealand context. Every Specialist International Medical Graduate (SIMG) applying for specialist assessment requires an individualised assessment of comparability to the Australian and New Zealand trained SEM Physician.
To be eligible to apply for assessment with ACSEP applicants must:
The Training Program is a minimum of four years in duration. Each training year consists of a minimum of 44 weeks dedicated to Clinical Training spread over the 52-week Training Program Year.