Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Top-up Scholarship
Opening date
Closing date
Scholarship value
Scholarship duration
Up to 1 year
Payment term
Paid in two instalments
Student type
Indigenous students
Selection basis
Financial need
The Commonwealth government and Flinders University have established the Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Top-up Scholarship to provide additional assistance to students living on-campus who are in receipt of a standard Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship (ICAS).
The number of ICAS top-up scholarships available each year will be determined by annual funding from the Commonwealth government. The scholarship value will be determined annually.
This round is open to any student who is currently admitted to a degree at Flinders, including applicants who applied, but was unsuccessful in an earlier round.
The scholarship is awarded for up to 1 year of full-time study.
The first semester payment will be paid directly to the student and the second semester payment will be credited into the recipient’s Flinders Living account. Scholarships are available to part-time students in exceptional circumstances, which includes (but is not limited to) disability, illness or carer responsibilities. Part-time scholarship recipients will receive the same annual value as full-time scholarship recipients.
All scholarship applicants must meet all the basic requirements of an ICAS scholarship as follows. Applicants must
Previous recipients of an Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Top-up Scholarship may reapply but will be limited to a maximum of 4 payments in total.
In selecting recipients the following factors will be considered:
Preference will be given to commencing students.
Preference may be given to students not in receipt of ABSTUDY.
Selection of the candidate(s) will be made in accordance with procedures approved by the Director, Student Administration, in consultation with the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University