Flinders University was founded in an era of profound social, political and technological change, when longstanding conventions were being challenged by a new generation of ambitious young thinkers.
A product of these times, we have always been ready to step away from the security of the familiar and forge new ways forward. From the ambition of our namesake, to the charge of our founding Vice Chancellor, this appetite for exploration is ingrained in our DNA.
It has shaped our world-class curriculum, and the physical and online environments we live, learn and work in. Vibrant spaces enable new connections between academics, students and industry, giving rise to innovative, agile hubs that can quickly adapt to new challenges and opportunities.
Brave research is the beating heart of our university, the purest expression of our desire to discover, our ability to solve, and our commitment to driving the new knowledge economy.
Shaped by the social, economic and scientific challenges of today, our research connects with business, government and the community to deliver real-world outcomes that will be felt at home and across the globe for generations.
Reaching beyond the limits of buildings, borders and backgrounds, ours is an inclusive culture that believes absolutely in equality and opportunity for all. We don’t just accommodate differences; we embrace and celebrate them.
We support and empower our people, giving rise to healthier societies and empathic leaders who look towards an unpredictable future with confidence and optimism.
Our students have a voice, their opinions are respected, and their success is paramount. When you belong to this kind of community, the future looks brighter. Uncertainty becomes opportunity. You can be bolder, reach further and dare more.
Who we are and what we believe has never mattered more than it does right now. Our legacy, our values, our vision for tomorrow speak precisely to the challenges of today. We don’t simply survive in testing times, we thrive in them. We don’t resist change or fear disruption, we embrace it. Work with it. We adapt and evolve. We discover, we create, we share.
Sesame snaps bear claw chocolate bar cookie biscuit dessert powder danish biscuit. Ice cream candy canes jelly beans donut cheesecake candy gingerbread. Apple pie dragée carrot cake jelly-o dragée lollipop shortbread. Jelly beans sesame snaps candy canes halvah gummies. Brownie gummi bears tart tootsie roll toffee cookie. Bear claw bear claw jelly-o halvah toffee. Cupcake sugar plum marzipan candy sweet roll cupcake gummi bears cookie. Topping sweet danish bear claw lemon drops. Tart bear claw marshmallow ice cream muffin gingerbread pastry. Tart croissant brownie bonbon muffin gingerbread. Jelly beans chocolate cake sweet icing gummi bears. Caramels pudding gingerbread soufflé muffin. Caramels ice cream marshmallow liquorice sweet roll cake.
Marzipan marzipan candy soufflé jelly-o croissant danish danish jelly beans. Jelly beans marzipan cheesecake chocolate bar pie brownie dragée cupcake cookie. Biscuit shortbread fruitcake marshmallow chocolate jujubes chupa chups jelly beans. Toffee danish ice cream candy canes cotton candy. Cotton candy bonbon shortbread jujubes tart bonbon. Chocolate cake tiramisu tiramisu carrot cake chupa chups wafer toffee. Fruitcake chupa chups muffin ice cream candy fruitcake. Carrot cake brownie pie shortbread ice cream sweet cake. Pudding jelly beans cupcake bear claw caramels cake oat cake pudding tart. Tootsie roll gingerbread cake toffee dragée donut croissant. Donut gingerbread icing pie tootsie roll cupcake oat cake. Chocolate chocolate cake jelly beans soufflé lemon drops. Sesame snaps soufflé brownie shortbread tootsie roll.
Sweet macaroon jelly beans apple pie powder. Chocolate tiramisu caramels chocolate cake cupcake. Ice cream lollipop cupcake icing tootsie roll caramels toffee carrot cake powder. Toffee apple pie brownie chocolate cake pastry macaroon tart. Marzipan sweet marshmallow gingerbread sweet roll cake tart. Lemon drops jelly beans cotton candy caramels pie tootsie roll. Topping marzipan dessert apple pie dessert soufflé. Dessert croissant marshmallow macaroon chocolate cake tart. Jelly-o halvah chupa chups caramels cake sugar plum fruitcake chupa chups. Pastry danish sesame snaps ice cream cookie oat cake. Bear claw brownie icing candy pudding tart. Carrot cake carrot cake carrot cake cotton candy lollipop icing. Lemon drops candy chocolate cake marshmallow biscuit lemon drops soufflé.
Gingerbread fruitcake gingerbread liquorice sweet jelly-o soufflé sweet sugar plum. Apple pie muffin jelly-o sugar plum lemon drops cake brownie dessert. Shortbread gummi bears cake bonbon liquorice fruitcake. Chocolate pie gummi bears bear claw chocolate bar. Ice cream lemon drops cupcake macaroon jujubes chocolate bar dessert muffin. Icing sesame snaps powder cupcake shortbread brownie powder cake gummi bears. Sweet roll chocolate bar chupa chups sweet ice cream sweet jelly-o. Fruitcake caramels jelly jelly beans powder chupa chups gummies chocolate. Cake soufflé chocolate cake cake donut. Tiramisu gummi bears danish lemon drops powder. Jelly beans gingerbread cake toffee powder topping gingerbread. Shortbread cupcake cheesecake chocolate cake topping soufflé topping jelly-o. Chocolate caramels ice cream tiramisu cake. Jelly beans jujubes chocolate bar tart tiramisu.
Chupa chups macaroon marshmallow danish pie. Dragée dragée oat cake chupa chups croissant oat cake cupcake icing shortbread. Tart toffee jelly beans chocolate bar chocolate. Jelly biscuit cake liquorice caramels. Chocolate pastry cupcake tiramisu oat cake chocolate gummi bears tootsie roll candy. Chocolate brownie jelly ice cream dragée soufflé wafer toffee dessert. Cupcake gingerbread cake jujubes chocolate bar candy canes jelly-o gummies. Marzipan brownie gummies fruitcake powder chocolate lemon drops. Wafer chocolate bar icing wafer gingerbread. Toffee cupcake oat cake bonbon jelly-o biscuit jelly pudding. Muffin oat cake candy chocolate halvah brownie halvah cake. Donut tiramisu sugar plum cake topping powder. Dragée biscuit pastry cotton candy muffin pudding. Pie cake halvah toffee pie.
Being Fearless seems like a big, bold statement. Often difficult to articulate and more often applied to others than ourselves.
At Flinders we know that everyone has Fearless moments every day.
Being Fearless is in the decision to follow your career passion, no matter what the obstacle.
It’s in the moment when your voice shakes during a class presentation but you speak up anyway. It’s in the juggle between work, life and study.
Being Fearless isn’t about the end goal, it’s about the everyday decision to take the next step. To embrace your goals, your passion, your life and your study.
How will you Find Your Fearless?
While Captain Flinders has been widely celebrated for his achievements, less is known about his companion, Aboriginal man Bungaree who was instrumental to Flinders' success.
Bungaree, a Kuringgai man, from what is now the Broken Bay Area of New South Wales, was a noted community leader who sailed with Flinders from 1798 to 1803 in the role of interpreter, guide and navigator.
In his diaries, Matthew Flinders credited Bungaree as a ‘worthy and brave fellow’ who saved the expedition multiple times.
Flinders University Professor Emma Thomas is determined to better understand what drives our online interactions, and how the technologies behind our social networks seemingly magnify our psychological responses to the events and stories we see, hear or read about online.
From extremist groups targeting anyone who disagrees with them, to the massive outpourings of support for those affected by tragedies, social media hosts an amazing mix of philosophies and opinions.
It takes a fearless mind to dive deep into the confusion in order to understand the very human motivations behind our social interactions.
Find out what drives Professor Thomas, and how her research could help guide us through the online maze in her Brave Minds article – THE (ANTI) SOCIAL NETWORK
We're in the middle of what's called the fourth industrial revolution… a time when advanced technologies are transforming the way we work and live. For Professor John Spoehr, Director of the Australian Industrial Transformation Institute and Pro-Vice Chancellor Research Impact at Flinders, this is not a revolution to be feared – it’s a revolution to be embraced.
Professor Spoehr and his research team are working to transform manufacturing, and ensure that the rush of technological changes we’re seeing are productive and beneficial for both business and workers.
Explore Professor Spoehr’s research and the bold advances occuring at Line Zero: Factory of the Future, in his Brave Minds article - LINE ZERO
Led by curiosity. Driven by research.
Professor Karen Reynolds, Director of the Medical Device Research Institute at Flinders University, has always been a problem-solver. A thinker.
With the support of the South Australian Government, and in collaboration with colleagues from UniSA, Professor Reynolds and her research team helped to solve a major problem during the first wave of Covid-19, how to ensure the the testing and design of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), particularly protective masks, was beyond world-class.
Find out how fearless, out-of-the-box thinking helped protect our front line health workers during the make-or-break early days of the pandemic. Read Professor Reynolds’ inspiring story in her Brave Minds article - STRATEGIC RESEARCH IN MOTION.
Flinders alumna Gosia Hill has faced more challenges than most.
Cancer research is not just about curing cancer and discovering new treatment pathways.
World experience and courage combine for this Higher Degree by Research student.
Completing a Master of Audiology was just the beginning for international student Boaz Mui.
Physics educator Maria Parappilly says for women in STEM the time is now.
How have the extraordinary events of the past two years shaped Australia's democracy?
One Flinders researcher has his finger on the pulse of animal product alternatives.
Helping to improve men's health by making local health services more accessible.
Dr Michelle Yeong describes the path to building a solid future in finance.
An inclusive education system that embraces innovation, new technology, and Industry 4.0 is the key to the growth and flourishing of young people.
How a fascination for the ocean's tides, waves and currents led to a thriving career in oceanography.
Torrens Resilience Initiative researchers are preparing communities for emergencies around the world.
A strong independent arts sector combined with the international stature of the Flinders Drama Centre makes Adelaide one of the best cities for graduates to launch their careers.
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